Runescape Name:
Aria Rynn
Name(s) you prefer to be called in clan chat:
How long have you played Runescape?
I have the 10 year cape..
What's your favorite skill?
What is your least favorite skill?
Do you have any achievement capes? if so, which capes?
13: Attack, Strength, Defence, HP, Range, Mage, Prayer, Fletching, Woodcutting, Firemaking, Coooking, Dungeoneering and Runecrafting
Have you read the welcome area and the rules?
Yes, I did. c:
Please tell us one of the rules:
No Racism c:
Do you agree to follow them?
Of course.
How did you find out about the clan / who referred you?
Actually, I was browsing the forums.
At times, player names can be unclear as to gender. Please tell us your gender.
Male or Female? Male, but a female model in game.
EDIT: I dont tend to check forums often, if you wanted I can be reached in game at any time, I leave my friends chat open for PM's. Thank you for your consideration