i found you merching clan to be very useful and will use it in the fouture. i have no started to merch the stuff of you list. i found you from a user called pretzal bow and was very usful.
1. Have you had any prior experience with flipping? Explain.
Yes, i made couple mills off merching
2. What is the amount of cash you currently have to flip with?
3. What is your highest level/combat level/total level?
99 pray 99 mining 91 rc 82 fishing... combat +70
4. Are you prepared to participate in the weekly clan activities? yes
5. What timezone are you in?
GMT +3
6. Who told you about the clan?
browsing the forums.
Hey guys, this sounds like a brilliant plan. I have just come back to runescape, around 2 months ago, from when I played heavily in 2005-2009. Could we meet up sometime so that I could join this clan, as I have always been into flipping? I live in the uk, by the way.
1. I flipped from about 1mil to about 40mil in about 2 weeks when free trade came out. And flipped 2mil into 10m in about 2 weeks now recently without much effort.
2. 10mil
3. 85 Fletching, 147 combat level/ 1578 total level
4. Sure, if they're after 19:00 Gmt on week days. I work 8am-7pm.
5. GMT
6. My very good, and trusted friend ''Google''.
17-Jan-2013 22:08:35
- Last edited on
17-Jan-2013 22:16:36
1. Have you had any prior experience with flipping? Explain.
Yes..buy and sell ofc...normally make 5-10m a day depends how many hrs
2. What is the amount of cash you currently have to flip with?
3. What is your highest level/combat level/total level?
93 str & Magic / 177 cb / 1851 total
4. Are you prepared to participate in the weekly clan activities?
5. What timezone are you in?
GMT 00:00
6. Who told you about the clan?
1.I have flipping/merching experience. I flipped from 5m to about 65m in three weeks.
3.99 Magic,Hitpoins,Strength, Attack
6.no one
1. Have you had any prior experience with flipping? Explain.
Youtube! i started doing some flipping just yesterday and made a neat little 1000k im hooked on it! still fairly inexperienced and looking to leasrn from the wealth of knowledge within the clan
2. What is the amount of cash you currently have to flip with? i currently have only 5.5m to flip with as i have roughly 50m invested in dfh atm : S
3. What is your highest level/combat level/total level?
my highest level is 93 fishing combat 155 total level 1444
4. Are you prepared to participate in the weekly clan activities?
of course
5. What timezone are you in?
gmt+1 i believe?
6. Who told you about the clan
nobody i came looking for a flipping/merch clan and this one stood out
1. Have you had any prior experience with flipping? Explain.
no i have not but ive been reading about it and reckon i could get the hang of it quickly.
2. What is the amount of cash you currently have to flip with?
i have a total of 104m so once im comfortable with it i will go up to 70-80m
3. What is your highest level/combat level/total level?
99 magic, runecrafting and cooking/184/1995
4. Are you prepared to participate in the weekly clan activities? yes
5. What timezone are you in? GMT
6. Who told you about the clan? I searched on the forums for 'flipping clans'