-1. Have you had any prior experience with flipping? Explain.
-->very little; I got most of my money by skilling, but since i was hacked i need another method of cash flow.
-2. What is the amount of cash you currently have to flip with?
-->if everything goes right with my current flip attempt i should have 1m
-3. What is your highest level/combat level/total level?
-->99 woodcutting/55/995
-4. Are you prepared to participate in the weekly clan activities?
-->if i am avaliable, yes i will attend all of them
-5. What timezone are you in?
-->Central timezone, i guess
-6. Who told you about the clan?
-->i googled: flipping clan
1. Have you had any prior experience with flipping? Explain.
Yes, but on my own, not with a clan
2. What is the amount of cash you currently have to flip with?
About 4-5M Atm, can get more though
3. What is your highest level/combat level/total level?
99 (mining)/ 88 / 1427
4. Are you prepared to participate in the weekly clan
5. What timezone are you in?
Wisconsin time lol
6. Who told you about the clan?
found in forums