Sadly we cannot accept you into our family yet for the following reason(s):
• You haven't guested long enough; none of our staff members have seen you around much, so please continue guesting and re-apply in 4 days.
To show that you've read this message and understand it, please turn your application into a bump. When/if you re-apply, make a new post
If you have any questions, then please contact me or another staff member in-game.
We still look forward to getting to know you better, so please continue guesting, fix the issues above, and then we hope we can welcome you to the family soon
2. Did you leave or were you kicked? Please explain why (e.g busy RL, wanted to try a new clan etc.)
Kicked due to inactivity I'm afraid. Combination of being busy IRL and playing other accounts on the side (mix of OSRS and RS3). Maxed my main RS3 (non-iron) account 'Lightgert' and took a break from the game all together after that.
Now been playing again for a couple of weeks, started up the ironman again after liquidating most of its supplies a while ago and found the love for it again.
3. How long has it been since you were in the clan?
I'm pretty sure it's been 1-2 years? Hard to put a number on it as work in the pharmacy has been fairly busy.
4. What are your total & combat levels?
Total: 2546 Combat: 137
5. Which time zone do you currently live in?
UTC + 1:00 (Brussels). I am from Belgium.
6. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan? And how do you expect to contribute to our Iron Family? It's suggested to particularly emphasize what we as a community can gain from having you back in the clan.
Just hoping to have a chat on discord once in a while, while afk skilling or doing activities with the clan. A good mix of non-PVM and PVM content in group.
In terms of contribution, I hope my kind and helpful attitude will be appreciated.
7. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
I have.
09-May-2020 09:36:07
- Last edited on
09-May-2020 10:07:07
Sadly our clan is currently full, so we cannot invite you yet, but please add the admin who accepted your application to your friends list, then we'll contact you as soon as a spot frees up for you!
You're currently number 4 on the waiting list.
• In case you have requested a tutor, they will be assigned to you within 24 hours.
• To join the clan Discord, ask any clan admin for the access code.
We look forward to getting to know you, and are sure you'll enjoy your time with us.
Welcome to the family!
Note that we expect you to continue guesting in our cc, and if you join another clan, your application will be considered withdrawn. Similarly, if we're unable to contact you on multiple occasions, your spot will be given away, and your application will be considered inactive (so it's strongly suggested to leave PM on).
1. Have you been guesting in our clan chat for at least 5 days?
I have been guesting on and off for a week or so, every time I log out of the game I get kicked from the group chat. Still currently trying to rejoin, but it takes a really long time to get back in for some reason.
- If no, then please come get to know us for a bit first before applying
2. Are you a HCIM or regular IM?
I'm a regular ironman.
3. What are your total & combat levels?
My current total level is 1740, and my combat levels are 90 att, 71 str, 91 def, 90 magic, 75 range and 91 hp. My main comb at level is 119.
4. Are you new to RS3 and/or ironman mode?
No, I'm not new to RS3, I've been playing since like middle school. So it's been about 12-13 years maybe?
- If yes, would you like a tutor to help you get started?
5. What are your current in-game goals?
One of my current in-game goals is to unlock masterwork, I've been grinding towards that for a while now. I have other simplified goals like I just unlocked obsidian armor which was a huge achievement. Other goals would unlocking priff, getting max cape and quest cape, I'm currently at 238 quest points. Man it's a grind.
6. Which time zone do you currently live in?
I'm in central time, Louisiana.
7. Where did you first hear about our Iron Family?
I heard about it from a friend of mine who is currently in the clan. Their current username is 16384, previously known as iron krabis.
8. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan? And how do you expect to contribute to our Iron Family?
I hope to achieve the ability to find people to play with, friends and some pvm abilities. I really want to take part in the weekly raids and be able to find people to play with in general.
9. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
Yes I have!!
If you have any comments or additional remarks, feel free to add them here.
Sadly we cannot accept you into our family for the following reason(s):
• Other: Your behaviour within our community has been unacceptable, and as such you're not welcome in our cc. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or another staff member in-game.
09-May-2020 17:00:27
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09-May-2020 17:00:45