1. What are your previous names (if any)?
Thy Brick
2. Did you leave or were you kicked? Please explain why (e.g busy RL, wanted to try a new clan etc.)
I bought a house and became a dad, life got in the way as some say haha, once i figured it all out and made it back to RS i had been kicked.
- Note that if you've previously left the clan, there'll most likely be no ranking discount, and you'll need to put extra effort into the application to get accepted back into the clan.
3. How long has it been since you were in the clan?
I believe i was last online around new-year 2017/2018
4. What are your total & combat levels?
Currently, 1480 total - 84 combat!
5. Which time zone do you currently live in?
I'm CET, living in Sweden.
6. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan? And how do you expect to contribute to our Iron Family? It's suggested to particularly emphasize what we as a community can gain from having you back in the clan.
Long ago i got tired of regular RS3, mostly because it was possible to buy your way to progress. With Ironman it feels different, progress actually matters, and when progress matters and game is challenging and gets more fun and communities form. I'm hoping to come back and socialize, tackle some big bosses together and in general just have a great time. Also, i have to say I've got quite a few dad jokes, and i apologize in advance.
7. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
Yes, no problems!
Noting else, glad to see the clan is still very active and kicking after so many years!
19-Mar-2020 14:49:27
- Last edited on
19-Mar-2020 15:12:07
A Brick