1. Have you been guesting in our clan chat for at least 5 days?
yes, Since 2/23/2020
- If no, then please come get to know us for a bit first before applying
2. Are you a HCIM or regular IM?
3. What are your total & combat levels?
Total level: 2415. Combat: 130
4. Are you new to RS3 and/or ironman mode?
no, been playing almost 15 years!
- If yes, would you like a tutor to help you get started?
5. What are your current in-game goals?
get my Noxious set, and max.
6. Which time zone do you currently live in?
7. Where did you first hear about our Iron Family?
from a friend who is in the clan. Soloblow.
8. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan? And how do you expect to contribute to our Iron Family?
Upgrade gear from group content. To make new friends in game. and help others along the way if i can/ able to!
9. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
I have and have no problem with following them!
Please contact any of our admin+ ranks or visit the clan chat to get your invite.
• In case you have requested a tutor, they will be assigned to you within 24 hours.
• To join the clan Discord, ask any clan admin for the access code.
We look forward to getting to know you, and are sure you'll enjoy your time with us.
Welcome to the family!
1. Have you been guesting in our clan chat for at least 5 days?
2. Are you a HCIM or regular IM?
Rgeular IM
3. What are your total & combat levels?
2390 total 137 cb
4. Are you new to RS3 and/or ironman mode?
No but I'm still learning high level boss mechanics
5. What are your current in-game goals?
Quest cape/nox set/ start trying to solo Nex
6. Which time zone do you currently live in?
7. Where did you first hear about our Iron Family?
ex member (myself)
8. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan? And how do you expect to contribute to our Iron Family?
Make new friends, upgrade gear, share what knowledge I have with others.
9. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
Sadly we cannot accept you into our family yet for the following reason(s):
• Your application format is wrong; please avoid copying others' application forms, and make sure to actually read over the first two pages of this thread
To show that you've read this message and understand it, please turn your application into a bump. When/if you re-apply, make a new post
If you have any questions, then please contact me or another staff member in-game.
We still look forward to getting to know you better, so please continue guesting, fix the issues above, and then we hope we can welcome you to the family soon
02-Mar-2020 18:42:35
- Last edited on
02-Mar-2020 18:43:11