IGN: iRollSolo (wont let me post replys with that account for some reason?)
Which of the two Ironman modes are you playing?
Normal Ironman
Are you members?
What is your total level?
What are your goals?
Not quite sure yet, depends how active the ironman community is!
Which of the two Ironman modes are you playing? NORMAL
Are you members? YES
What is your total level? 193 AT*
What are your goals? FOR NOW: GETTING 50COMBAT AND 10+ ALL STATS
Which of the two Ironman modes are you playing? Normal Iron Man
Are you members? Yes
What is your total level? 130
What are your long-term goals? 99 Fishing and Cooking
Which of the two Ironman modes are you playing? Normal iron man
Are you members? Yes
What is your total level? 373, but quickly going up
What are your long-term goals? Getting all stats 40+, then 50+, etc.
Hi guys would really like to join the clan!
My name is knoxerking and i play standard ironman as a member
Im around 350 total atm, but I dont have any particular longterm goals right now