How much are you willing to invest?: Probably 400-500m
What is your future goal?: Max stack
How much merchanting experience do you have?: 5+ years
Will you follow JAGEX rules and clan rules?: Of course
Why do you want to be in GP Heaven?: I have never really been in a merch clan. Seems pretty solid. Of course, the ultimate goal is to make more money! :p
How much merchanting experience do you have?: 4 months
Will you follow JAGEX rules and clan rules?: Yes
Why do you want to be in GP Heaven?: University level Engineering student, minoring in economics interested in merchanting clan and making a lot of money for everyone!
What is your current total wealth?:26m and a bit more in items.
How much are you willing to invest?:All of it since if i lose a few mill I can easily gain it back by mining runite.
What is your future goal?: To buy a santa hat
How much merchanting experience do you have?:
I have been playing runescape for 4 years and I flip merchant whenever I can generally I make predictions based on runescape news. E.g. I bought dragon claws for 10.5m and sold for 12m during the bonus exp weekend in 2012 March.
Will you follow JAGEX rules and clan rules?: Yes
Why do you want to be in GP Heaven?:
I used to be in a merchanting clan a few years ago but then it disbanded when the Clan Owner was going to University and had a 3 bill drop party as a end of clan celebration. So being in a merchanting clan would be fun since I haven't been in one for a while
26-Mar-2012 07:19:13
- Last edited on
26-Mar-2012 07:20:50
How much merchanting experience do you have?: about 20 months. *1,7 years
Will you follow JAGEX rules and clan rules?: yes
Why do you want to be in GP Heaven?: It's hard to be a small time mercher, with a clan and other members it's more fun, hopefully i'll make some new friends.
How much merchanting experience do you have?: 3 years
Will you follow JAGEX rules and clan rules?: Yes
Why do you want to be in GP Heaven?: It seems like a great clan that has a lot of merchanting experience and is willing to make the most possible cash from short merchs effectively.
How much merchanting experience do you have?: Almost 2 years
Will you follow JAGEX rules and clan rules?: Yes, I will.
Why do you want to be in GP Heaven?:
2 reasons:
1. Big cash
2. I started up a clan of my own a while ago, but it didn't go too well because of not enough cash flowing through items. Now I see that alot of people seem to be interested, thus alot of money is gonna be flowing through your selected items. Summing up, this is a great chance to make big bux and enter a nice community