I A Dark Rose, agree to follow the aforementioned rules. [(1) Show respect towards everyone in the clan. (2) Follow all rules set by Jagex. (3) Do not tell anyone outside the clan the current merching item.]
Recruitment application:
1 Username: A Dark Rose
2. Total Wealth: 160m cash stack, unknown amount in items but over 50m
3. Merchanting Experience: none
4. How often do you play Runescape: Getting back into it after a year break. (recently 5+ hours a day)
5. Why are you joining the clan: Increasing my cash stack, Need to help and be helped in a community
6. Will you be respectful towards others in the clan chat: Respect will be given until it is determined that the person does not deserve respect. (By default I will respect everyone, Screw me over and well.. You know.)
30-Jul-2016 08:20:54