Username: Chicolate
Combat Level: 52 and growing quickly
Overall Level: 418
Did you read the rules?: Yes
Do you agree to follow all clan rules?: Yes
What is rule 2?: Be respectful to all fellow clanmates and ranks
Will you bump this thread weekly (or more): Most likely
Will you work at the clan citadel weekly on the clans chosen goals?: Definitely
Favorite skill: Slayer by far
Favorite minigame or event: Anything with a group, preferably not pvp
Anything you would like to share with us about yourself?:
I am trying to go for 99 slayer on this character for the untrimmed cape and it would be nice to have a distraction from slayer by having other objectives. It seems like this is a good group of people who I would enjoy talking/spending time with. I would prefer to join this clan with this character instead of my other one, philipchosen (combat 133), because I want to have more "adventures" with this character. It would also be nice to have a slayer partner occasionally too. If you want help with higher level goals, I can use my other character to help achieve what isn't possible with this character. Thanks!
Have you been a member of Soul Mates in the past? Nope
24-Jul-2012 02:54:40