So this is the list of people who have already been added but still need to be put on the spreadsheet. will do asap.
Username: poner de 2de
Slayer Creature: Spiritual Mage
Quantity: 4
Room Size: Small
Username: hostile97
Creature and quantity: capsarius 5
Room Size: small
Creature and quantity: spiritual mages
Room Size: large
Creature and quantity: manifest shadows 4
Room Size: large
Username :Generallylul
Creature and quantity:Shadow Creature (Manifest)
Room Size: Small
Creature and quantity: Order of Ascension Member (Capsarius)
Room Size:Large
Username: Ms_Tori
Creature and quantity: Kal'gerion Demons x 2
Room Size: Large
Username: winkleberry3 (updating current listing)
Large: 2x Kalg Demon, 1x Ripper, 1x Hydrix
Large: 1x Tormented demon
Small: 3x Edimmu
02-Aug-2018 01:46:48