Current Username
Previous usernames:*none this account i have had for ten years
What is your member status (P2P/F2P)?: p2p
Have you read ALL the Kingdom Laws?: yes
Did you leave a clan less than 7 days ago (if so, how many days)*: no
How did you find our POC clan?: GE clan vexilum
What is your Clan experience?*: been in 2 clans on runescape which both didnt last long i was in a gaming community called UEG on xbox where i was captain of a branch
Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? Rnoy clan vexilums not sure if that counts
* = Optional
been off and on with runescape but this account is almost ten years old (less than a year to go). Best friend is getting me back into it and i have been wanting more friends to play with so i can have fun in between skill grinding. This seems like a great group and i would like to join