Current Username:
King Sion I*
Previous usernames:
samurai 1305
What is your member status (P2P/F2P)?:
F2P at the moment. ( Been P2P Since 07)
Have you read ALL the Kingdom Laws?:
Writing them down on my notepad.
Did you leave a clan less than 7 days ago (if so, how many days)*:
How did you find our POC clan?:
What is your Clan experience?*:
High Clan experience, made great friends thanks to it.
Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username?
I was a member of a tight role playing family like clan, but it went down hill when our king betrayed us! one by one everyone was leaving , friends , clan vets , the lords all gone. we tried to rebuild but failed. it destroyed me. Ever since ive been on a search for a simlar clan , and your clan stood out and reminded me of my old clan. i hope you accept my application it would make me enjoy runescape once again and build new friends and family. thanks for your time.
King Sion IV