* Citizen Application •
Current Username: Empress Iron (This is my ironman account which I mainly play on. My normal account is called Emperor Who, which I guess I would use for some clan events)
Previous usernames: N/A
What is your member status (P2P/F2P)?: P2P
Have you read ALL the Kingdom Laws?: Yes
Did you leave a clan less than 7 days ago (if so, how many days)*: No
How did you find our POC clan?: Top of the forums! Also, KoV is famous and ancient. I might have been in it at one point ages ago
What is your Clan experience?*: I'm coming back to runescape after an extended leave. I've been senior members in a few POC style clans, and I even founded a small one in OSRS a few years ago.
Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? No
01-Oct-2017 15:43:33