* Citizen Application •
Current Username: pkayday
Previous usernames: nos*forever, d13sl0werplz
What is your member status (P2P/F2P)?: P2P
Have you read ALL the Kingdom Laws?: Yes
Did you leave a clan less than 7 days ago (if so, how many days)*: No
How did you find our POC clan?: Vexillum near Edgeville (placed by Rnoy)
What is your Clan experience?*: I have been a member of one clan previously, but I forget the name as this was over 10 years ago. I also helped to form a clan called HaVok, where I helped with event co-ordination and recruitment, as well as lead multiple PK trips when classic and "legacy" were the only game types.
Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? Rnoy
16-Apr-2016 21:09:27