Runescape name & previous name(s):
LazyKernel, and I can't remember using any other name.
Sponsor's name:
Choto 3000
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?:
Yes, I agree yes, very nice yes agreed yes.
Do you accept to becoming part of the Clan Quest family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?:
Have you created an account on our offsite (mandatory for full membership)? What is the name for your offsite account you created (we will have an admin authenticate your account)?:
Yes, LazyKernel here and there and everywhere.
Total Quest Points?:
Nice number: 123
Favorite Quest? Why?:
That'll have to be A tail of two cats. I love quests involving cats and this quest has really nice story and the long cutscene is absolute perfection. Also having a cat taking care of his owner was quite amusing.
Least Favorite Quest? Why?:
Probably Imp catcher. Minimal story and it can be completed in minutes by buying the beads off GE making the quest forgettable.
Total Level?:
How did you learn about our clan?:
Browsing forums
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?:
I'm weak, I can't carry a man. I'm happy I can carry myself.
If you close both eyes, can you still see?:
Only when you close your eyes, can you see the true form of the universe.
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?:
No, you can never know everything, perfection can never be achieved.
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.?
Why do you have the last three questions (excluding this one)?
20-Aug-2016 23:37:37