Hiya : ) I’m new this game - joined approx 3 weeks ago and love it . I am astounded by the complexity and could love to be part of a team to work together to enjoy all aspects and support each other . I have lots of experience with mmos and prefer a family guild with no hot heads . Please consider my application Name in game is Bunnyspanker Thank you : )
Thank you for your interest! We are currently previewing and processing your application 😊 In the interim, feel free to guest in clan chat
You can expect to hear back very soon. Thanks again.
Edit: I have added you in game. As soon as we (or someone from our recruitement team) can get together and confirm that you agree to a few things we can add you.
The Clueless Adventurers
21-Dec-2021 01:39:49
- Last edited on
21-Dec-2021 02:19:31
I, Aeralorne, agree to these rules and wish to join The Clueless Adventurers as an Explorer, I know I can move to the Adventurers group at any time by filling out the regular application on cluelessadventurers.com.
Thank you for your application Aeralorne! We are happy to inform you that your application to The Clueless Adventurers has been accepted. Welcome to our extended family
The next step is to get you added to our clan chat (cc). Any admin of the clan can add you to our clan chat. Check your private messages for further information.
Until then, feel free to guest in our cc and enjoy the company. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Again, welcome to the clan!
Fishing For the Light Since 2006 (Started at W22 Shilo and Now I'm Here)
Proud Member Of
I, IlllIllllIIl, agree to these rules and wish to join The Clueless Adventurers as an Explorer, I know I can move to the Adventurers group at any time by filling out the regular application on cluelessadventurers.com.