Combat level: 138
PKing experience: Very little
Reason for wanting to join us:
I am interested in pking, and have done it enough to have lost alot of gear.
TeamSpeak 3 is mandatory for wave, are you willing to use it?
How long have you been around warbands for and what fcs have you been a
part of?
Who referred you to SAPK?
Kind Souls
Which combat style do you wish to use for the trial (1.4)?
Have you understood 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5?
Do you have wildy sword?
Your own comments (optional): I am new to pk, but not to PvM. I know my abilities and even have learned a bit from that gear sacrificed. Still a little confused how some people can tank me like they do. And we all know that the lone wolf in that world dies. Thanks for your consideration!
The will of the people needs to change. We need to decide we want more.
05-Apr-2017 14:20:49