Combat level: 126+12
PKing experience: Decent amount from infiniteWBs and wbands1.
Reason for wanting to join us: Sick of illuzion alliance being poorly managed, dipping at :15 on 50% of waves and not looking out for their own (looking for a good fc).
TeamSpeak 3 is mandatory for wave, are you willing to use it? Yep
How long have you been around warbands for and what fcs have you been a
part of? Started in InfiniteWBs about 11 months ago, went inactive for a few months then came back and moved inside alliance to wbands1, been with them since.
referred you to SAPK? Seeing you guys drop illuzion alliance during wars.
Which combat style do you wish to use for the trial (1.4)? Ranged
Have you understood 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5? Yes
Do you have wildy sword? Tier 1
Your own comments (optional): Hoping to get my 75 a day and have some fun pking, not going to cry if I don't get 75, here for the pking as much as the loot.
08-Dec-2016 01:22:06