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certain responsibilities are required to reach the Admin, Organiser and Coordinator ranks. These responsibilites are a measure for howmuch effort you are willing to put into our/your Ingame Family.
To reach these ranks: the previous rank has to be achieved, aswell as the following amount of responsibilities taken on by the appointed Clan member.
The receivers of these ranks or above will also be considered by the clan Council.
It is possible for someone with a
rank to become
if so chosen by the clan Council.
• Admin
, 2 responsibilities.
• Organiser
, 3 responsibilities.
• Coordinator
, 4 responsibilities.
Keep in mind that all of the responsibilities may be handled in the way you find the most fitting.
• Chat Moderation (passive)
- Keep an eye out in Chats to keep disruptive behaviour and language to a minimum. This is a responsibility that all Admins or above will have as we expect them to keep the peace in chats.
• Forum/Discord Maintenance
- Bump the Iron Family Forums, be active in the Families Discord Channel, be generally helpful and share links.
• Community Helper
- Attend/Advertise Clan Events within the Clan Chat Channel. - Encourage new(ish) members to get involved with the clan (Participate events, PvM, Citadel Cap, Group activities etc.). - Solve community/general issues, if unsure how: ask a Key-Rank for assistance.
• Clan Events
- Host Clan Events occasionally. These events may vary from PvM to Skilling, Minigames and D&D's.