You're right Samual, as Winston Churchill did say, History is written by the victors - we won, and most of the times, it is the good guys that win, not the baddies. Every story does indeed have another side, I'm merely writing on behalf of ours, your actions then directly implicated you as an assistant of Seesho, regardless of what your views on him may now be. Yes, you did claim you had Hot's blessing, which he denied when he returned, but that was the story you spun.
Thank you for the catch up, but I am quite busy, as you can see the Church is still up and running, with more members than we've had in a long time, times are busy. Good day.
•¤†¤ Former
of the
Church of Saradomin
My views on seesho now? My views on him have always been negative, i despised him. I exposed him to the church as a power hungry manipulator, you may view me in the same way but that doesn't bother me. But the simple fact is that i was never with seesho. So will you be the liar who writes history? or will you write the truth?
04-Aug-2011 22:00:29
- Last edited on
04-Aug-2011 22:00:44
Samual Dude