•¤†¤• Confirmation of Acceptance •¤†¤•
I, Vulnerose, recently accepted member of the Church of Saradomin, understand, agree and swear to abide by, all laws, powers, rules, rights, and agreements within the Church of Saradomin's rules and constitution. I take this oath to be loyal to the Church and its Sovereign without exception, respect and treat equally all members of the Church and its Sovereign, be active in the Church, on its forums and in-game, unless I properly inform the Church with a notification of absence, and to contribute to the success, security and stability of the Church. I understand that should I break my oath, and disobey the rules and constitution of the Church, the Church and its Sovereign are within their rights to terminate my membership within the Church, be it temporary or permanent.
13-May-2011 20:31:10