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Greetings from SPQR EoS.
I am Consul Exar II Esq, the new appointed Consul of EoS.
We are currently setting up a new consul's office and will be taking on some new ambassadors over the next few days. We will appoint you a new ambassador to liase with. Once we have the position filled I will get them to introduce themselves on your thread.
In the mean time if you have any questions or need to make contact, Feel free to message me in game or by posting in the new Consul's Office Thread (Q.F.C. Below)
˜†˜ Consul - Exar II Esq ˜†˜
SPQR Empire of Swords - Strength and Honour!
Consul's Office Q.F.C. - 90-91-875-63671321
10-Apr-2012 09:19:29