Current username:I Heard That
Previous usernames:SaraUrDomin
Do you intend on changing your name?--Yes
Have you completed the Fremennik Trials quest?--Yes
If so, what is your Fremennik Trials name?--I don't know this one
Are you a paying member?--Yes
Gender: (m/f)--M
Today's date:6/17/2013
Have you read the Fremennik laws?--Yes
Which law states that, "Respect is earned, not given." ?--2nd Law
Do you understand your rights and expectations as citizen?--Yup
How often do you play Runescape and use the forums?--Every day
Are you likely to attend held events and activities?--Sure
Do you own any skill capes, If so, which?--Range
How did you discover our empire?--Recommendation
Were you recommended by anyone, if so, list who:KyonDaftPunk
Personally, why is that you wish to be apart of our community?--I believe a l33t clan will help me enjoy the game more by introducing me to other features of Runescape(:
Are you willing to dedicate yourself to your fellow Fremenniks and to the empire?--Yes
Is there any other information you wish to share?--OINK!
that smiley thing at the bottom is incredible