*Total Level: 1199
*List Previous Clans: Idk, joined one a while ago on a whim when first created account.
*Name of Main Account: This one
*Main Account total Level: 1199
*Main account clan: Hopefully this one
*Will you be in CC at all times when online?: Yes
*Do you agree to keep at least one method of contact available for us to get in touch at all time?: Yes
* How did you find out about us?: Browsing forums
* What is your goal in joining us?: To not be bored out of my mind
* Anything you'd like us to know about you?: Eastern time zone, on all day Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Back playing again after 4 years.
* Do you have any questions about our rules, requirements, or the Citadel?: Nadda
I left previous clan over a week ago, I think. Idk if waiting a week before joining a new clan is a thing, havent played this game in ages.
31-Dec-2016 19:14:36