Will you be active within our clan?
Absolutely! I have been for years.
Will you respect everyone?
Being respectful is one of my greatest qualities
Have you read *all* of our rules?
I have read all of the rules. Btw, in case anybody wants to know, my favorite color is WHITE!
Why do you wish to join our ranks?
Because I love LODJ and OREOS! And my smiley is starting to get stale.
How did you find out about us? if you were recruited by who?
I cannot remember, it was too long ago.
What is your favorite event/minigame?
I always loved castle wars. Some of my greatest memories on RS were in CW.
Out of all the rules which do you feel is most important?
All of the rules are the most important. This is an all or nothing question.
Are you aware that there is zero tolerance for offensive names in LODJ?
I am aware and would be embarrassed to have an offensive name.
***For 07 LODJ and If Red or Clannie could review this, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
12-Apr-2015 04:09:40