Username: Stone Spirit
How did you find the Empire of Falador? I've known EOF since the old days.
Were you in any other clans/POCs? Yes
If so, what were the names and why did you leave? The United Islands Empire, Empire of Misthalin, Empire of Swords. I was nearly best friends with Sir Olson 2 (emperor noslo), Digory Barns, Dwarf26, and basically knew everyone in the clan community from 2009 to 2013. I was a leader of TUIE with Dig, olson and dwarf until we disbanded in 2013. I just stopped playing. now I'm back! & there are 3 clans from the old days, one of them is you guys.
Will you be an active member of the community? yes
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grumpy vet
23-Mar-2016 00:16:29