Iron Family application:
1. Have you been guesting in our clan chat for at least 5 days?
Yes I have.
2. Are you a HCIM or regular IM?
I'm just an IM
3. What are your total & combat levels?
1133 Total 66 CMB
4. Are you new to RS3 and/or ironman mode?
Yea I started a little over a week ago not sure if I need a tutor at least in the early stages
5. What are your current in-game goals?
Right now I am working on getting lunars done while at the same time hitting 150 total for the weapon and hopefully after that getting the rest of the things I need to start at least some low-mid level PvM
6. Which time zone do you currently live in?
7. Where did you first hear about our Iron Family?
I was looking around for a good clan and this was suggested on a wiki
8. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan?
Playing the game solo does not mean you have to always be alone so I am mostly looking for a clan of people that I can get along with and that I enjoy talking to while I grind everything
9. How do you intend to contribute to our clan?
I do not have any knowledge to offer about RS3 currently but I really enjoy helping people so once I learn more things I'd like use that to help people where I am now.
10. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
I have read them and they make it seem like the clan will always be an enjoyable place to be
30-Dec-2020 16:31:15