Iron Family application:
1. Have you been guesting in our clan chat for at least 5 days?
- Yep, I am pretty sure its been at least a week if not two.
2. Are you a HCIM or regular IM?
- Regular IM.
3. What are your total & combat levels?
- Total 1742 Combat 115.
4. Are you new to RS3 and/or ironman mode?
- Yes, am new to RS3+Ironman mode. Clan chat and wiki have been helpful so far for any questions I have.
5. What are your current in-game goals?
- Unlocking Invention and daily PVM at GWD1.
6. Which time zone do you currently live in?
- GMT+8, SEA player.
7. Where did you first hear about our Iron Family?
- RS3IRONMAN reddit post
8. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan?
- I've always been mostly a solo player in my years (prob like 3~4 years) of OSRS and mainscape. RS3+Ironman is a huge change for me and so I'd like to have a community to play with and learn from.
9. How do you intend to contribute to our clan?
- Team PVM and answering any questions possible from my limited, limited knowledge of RS3. Unsure how clan system works in RS3 cause OSRS doesn't have one.
10. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
- Yes and definitely.
15-Apr-2021 13:50:01