8) Although it is nice to be able to loan money or items. Do not do this, expecting to get a return. Sometimes a person for whatever reason, never pays you back. So if you loan, it is best to get in the mindset that you will never see that money again. If they pay you back, then great! In essence loan at your own discretion, for the clan is not responsible for those who do not pay you back. You are under no obligation to loan anyone, anything, ever. Loan only what you are prepared to lose, just in case you never see that money again.(edited)
9) You must follow Jagex rules. You can not lure, spam chat, share your account, nor scam people. You will be warned on your first offence. After you will be kicked from the clan.
10) If you see any of your clan mates behave badly, even an admin, then screenshot what you have seen, and send it to me, or any of the upper admins. We can not always go along with you said, they said. We must see proof, or no action can be justified.
11) If you feel you are being harassed by a clan mate, then screen shot your experiences, and send them to me or upper admin. If you get booted, but you feel this to be a grave injustice to you, screen shot the conversation prior to you being kicked, or the lack of any warning, and send to me. Also in case you are brought back into the clan, go to runeclan website, as soon as possible to screen shot your clan xp. Runeclan usually will keep your record in a clan for at least 30 minutes after a boot. Though get to it, right after your clan chat screenshot and explosion from the clan.
11) If you leave the clan on your own, but decide to come back, you will be given just one more chance. If you leave again, then that is a done deal. If you were booted out of the clan for bad behavior, then that too, is a done deal. Meaning your time with us, is over.
12) Rules are subject to change, and be updated, as our clan
02-Aug-2018 18:24:34
- Last edited on
02-Aug-2018 18:52:08