Q1. What is your Runescape name?
A: oOGodtierOo
Q2. Are you a member?
A:Yes, premier
Q3. What is your total wealth?
A: 2B+
Q4. Do you have any alts?
A: Yes 1
Q5. How long have you been merchanting and what is your experience?
A: On and off, understand basic concepts and have made close to 500m in profits
Q6. Do you speak English?
A: Yes
Q7. Where are you from?
A: From australia but currently live in canada
Q8. Are you aged 18+?
A: Yes
Q9. Are you a team player?
A: Yes, played lots of team sports as a kid
Q10. Describe yourself in 1 word.
A: Consistent
02-Jun-2022 23:19:56