Combat level: 135
Tell us about your PKing experience/knowledge: Casually PK, not very often however and usually low risk. I am quite competent with the EoC and ability usage.
Timezone/Activity status - Refer to Warband times (daily): GMT -5, Can only make 1 time on Weekdays, 2-3 on Weekends.
Will you follow all our rules and gear requirements?: Yes.
Have you had any experience with other Warband-related FCs, if so, tell us what: I've done extensive research and have substituted for some other FCs before.
Reason for Joining us? It's a FC in which I meet all the requirements and it also seems very well organized and capable of doing an activity as intense as Warbands. The rules are simple, strict enough to be successful but not a pain to follow.
Will you contact a captain+ for your combat trial when you are available? Yes.
What is your preferred combat style: Ranged >> Melee > Magic
Any additional comments/information you would like us to know: Have access to Yak & Curses also.
06-Dec-2014 14:14:36