Display name:
· • Leroybrown 7
Combat Level:
· • 112
Total Level:
· • 2041
Favorite Skill:
· • Gathering skills
Have you read the clan guidelines?:
· • Yes
Would you be interested in acquiring a leadership position in the future?:
· • Anything to help the Elves of Arandar
Sign your name here:
Leroybrown 7
Goodnight bump! I'll see you all tomorrow! My goal is to have us at 30 members by tomorrow night. We are at 26 now. If anyone has any friends looking for a clan feel free to invite them into the clan chat so we can talk with them! We are doing a great job recruiting! Thank you to everyone that has helped out so far, it's very much so appreciated! I am so proud of the growth within the clan in it's first week of being open. I see so much potential and I'm eager to see where we go. Until then my friends, sleep well. xoxo