Serenity Clan Member Application-
Name: Grindl52
What is your preffered name?: Grind
Combat Level: 101
Total Level: 1457
P2P/F2P?: P2P
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yessir
Number of 99's? If any, which?: None
Who recruited you (if applicable): No one
Serenity Clan Member Application-
Name: Gameuverse
What is your preffered name?: Game
Combat Level: 75
Total Level: 1105
P2P/F2P?: P2P
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I have.
Number of 99's? If any, which?: 2 99's. Woodcutting and Fishing.
Who recruited you (if applicable): Forum thread.
Serenity Clan Member Application-
Name: Dark Fangs
What is your preffered name?: Fangs, Dark, Wolf, whatever ud like to call me =P
Combat Level: 119 in mems
Total Level: 1916
P2P/F2P?: P2P
Have you read and understood the rules?:Yes
Number of 99's? If any, which?: none
Who recruited you (if applicable):
Serenity Clan Member Application-
Name: Corey
What is your preffered name?: Corey
Combat Level: 82
Total Level: 1095
P2P/F2P?: P2P
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
Number of 99's? If any, which?: 1 Woodcutting
Who recruited you (if applicable): N/A