Serenity Clan Member Application-
Name: Dark Kazper
What is your preferred name?: Kazper
Combat Level: 131
Total Level: 2052 atm (today I'll get like 3 more)
P2P/F2P?: P2P
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
Number of 99's? If any, which?: 7; Attack, Strength, Firemaking, Woodcutting, Magic, Fletching, Quest.
Who recruited you (if applicable): N/A
I have a really low interest in combat, all I've trained my combat skills is just to get a slayer cape. I'm currently training Slayer (91) Summoning (92, got peng points for 93) Constitution (96) all those along with Defence, Prayer and Range. Next 99 will be Defence. After these skills I'd like to train whichever skill the clan wants to, so I could help with motivation.
25-Jul-2011 19:44:11