Officer Application:
(Don't fill this out if you haven't been in the cc for at least 3 weeks or are not a specialist -- 2 bars --)
How Long have you been in the Clan?: A little over a month I believe.
What is your current rank? Corporal
Why do you think you would make a good officer? I think I would make a good officer because I have leadership characteristics, respect for others, maturity, I have dedication to this clan, I'm supportive of others, I'm open-minded, I have patience for others, and i'm honest.
What do you think makes a good officer? What I think makes a good officer is someone that's a role-model, someone that's responsible, and organized, someone that has good communitcation, and has good team work.
What do you believe your duties should be? Supervision of the clan chat, recruitment, and the organization of events.
11-Jun-2011 12:07:10