Ironman or Hardcore Ironman: Ironman
Why you want to join: Returning RS3 player starting a new iron. I was in the clan previously as Swole Bama. I left about a year and a half ago and decided to start a new iron since i de-ironed my previous account.
Previous Clan(s): Iron Rivals
Total Level: 433
Timezone: Japan
Discord: dadthatlifts
Rsn: LiftingDad
Ironman or Hardcore Ironman: Ironman
Why you want to join: I'm new to RS3 with a friend and it would be fun to be part of a community. Still need to understand of to play the game haha
Previous Clan(s): None
Total Level: 1654
Timezone: UTC-4
Discord: Classydudee69
Rsn: Im Yu
Ironman or Hardcore Ironman: Ironman
Why you want to join: Ive returned to the game after a long break and looking to join a clan to help break up the grinding with some banter
Previous Clan(s): N/A
Total Level: 157
Timezone: GMT
Discord: amelzee
Rsn: AmelzeeIM