Bit of Pussy
What is your RSN and previous name?: I am Death/Tsar Caustic
What is your total level and combat level?: 2603/143
If you had to rate yourself as a PKer between 1-10, what would you rate yourself?: 11 with sailing
What is your preferred combat style(s)?: Sailing
What clan are you currently in?: Summit
Previous WB's FC? If so, reason for leaving?: They wanted me to help fight whites and not loot tents
Which friend referred you to our friends chat thread? (If any): Callam
Do you accept our Rules & Requirements?: tl;dr
What time zone do you live in?: Asking for personal information is against the rules
We have a TeamSpeak 3 server, will you be willing to join the server any wave you attend?: Yes
Any additional comments?: I demand 250k payment for each wave I go to until I get my 6m back
Unfortunately, I am Death you did not pass the application for Yak Army.
Your application presentation was terrible & you're affiliated with people who we shall not name & shame, but you knew good as well you wouldn't get accepted. Refrain from posting again. Thanks for your time & have fun warbanding!