Congratulations, Rufu, Aisui, Panda Pride, Tbash19, Scrub Zhao, Inefficient, and ANGELO REIS you have been accepted to trial for Yak Army!
You have been given a smiley rank in the friends chat. Feel free to contact one of our Lieutenant+ to trial you, names of the Lieutenant+ that you may contact regarding your application, can be found on the front page of our forum thread! (this must be done before you can attend a wave!)
P.S. Your application will be discarded, in one weeks time, if you forget to PM a general regarding it. Thanks! ~Dil
Excuse the late acceptance, I was away for a few days, and I'm assuming none of our high ranks were keeping track of our thread. I apologize, if you're still interested please join the friends chat and let us know you're interested, otherwise I will discard. Thanks for your patience and once again, our sincerest apologies.