Congratulations *zLowFallAh, you have been accepted to trial for Yak Army!
You have been accepted, and will be given a rank only after passing trial. Feel free to contact myself, or one of our Lieutenant - Generals for the trial. Names of the Lieutenant+ that you may contact regarding your application, can be found on the front page of our forum thread! (this must be done before you can attend a wave!)
P.S. Your application will be discarded, in one weeks time, if you forget to PM a star rank regarding it. Thanks!
Hey, I've rejoined this fc back in December, and I could only do a few waves a week due to life. Some time later, I noticed I can no longer join the FC. I'd like to know why and I wish to still rejoin for waves. So far, I've only been with Yak Army, and I'd be willing to reapply if it is necessary.