* Citizen Application •
Current Username: Darkknigh153
Previous usernames: N/A
What is your member status (P2P/F2P)?: P2P
Have you read ALL the Kingdom Laws?: I have read all of the kingdom laws, and I shall try my best to remember them and abide by all the rules set forth by the clan.
Did you leave a clan less than 7 days ago (if so, how many days)*: I know this one is optional, but I believe transparency is important when building new relationships. I left FoF yesterday. I did not leave on bad terms with anyone. I left because I had absolutely no reason to remain in the clan. The two friends I joined for were either inactive or left. I went inactive for a long time after 2012ish, and there is no one from before left, and besides that there's not really many people on most of the time. For the most part, the people that come online either keep to themselves, or only chat with people they've known for a while. Recruitment was stagnant during the time I was there, and there was a high turnover rate with who we did recruit because of how they act distant towards new recruits. After my remaining friend left a month ago, I knew I was going to leave, just been waiting for the right time. So yeah, no hard feelings, FoF just isn't the clan for me.
How did you find our POC clan?: A friend told me about it.
What is your Clan experience?*: On Runescape, I was in a clan for roughly 2009-2012. Don't remember what it was called; it wasn't very structured, there were no organized events, and no strong figureheads, but there was enough character for it to stay together for a while before it ultimately imploded. Some of the fragments of that clan went to FoF, which is where my friends went and naturally where I decided to go. I have never been in a position of power in a clan in Runescape, but I used to help run one of the top-tier clans in an indie cs:go clone.
Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? Yes; 4U2FEAR.
08-May-2018 09:13:55