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Royal Address
Monday, July 10th, 2017
“We’re KOV, beating things dead is kind of our hobby.” -Viscus
Welcome to this week’s edition of the Royal Address. This is a big one, so brace yourselves!
General News
After a vote in our #suggestion Discord channel, the Discussion Thread was locked late last month. As the next few months pass, we will be attempting to clean up the clan ban list by posting ten names at a time for discussion. After this is done, we will open the Kingdom Archives for revision.
In additon, I would like to congratulate our warring team for leading us to victory against the Kingdom of Isafdar in w103. Thanks to their training and dedication, we are able to expand our influence into Falador once more!
Long live the Queen!...and the King?
As teased in the #announcements Discord channel post Battle for Falador, the Kingdom’s sub-clan leaders and Lord have recently sat down and chosen one person to take the role as King of Varrock. After some deliberation, the new King of Varrock is…