1. Have you been guesting in our clan chat for at least 5 days?
Yes i have! ive been a guest for a long time now!
2. Are you a HCIM or regular IM?
regular IM
3. What are your total & combat levels?
1810 total level base 60 combats with 75 mage.
4. Are you new to RS3 and/or ironman mode?
No, ive had this ironman, then played a main on fresh start worlds and now wanted to come back to ironman.
5. What are your current in-game goals?
Current goals are to get all my questing done, and my right now goal is to unlock invention, currently banking the ores for smithing.
6. Which time zone do you currently live in?
7. Where did you first hear about our Iron Family?
I dont remember where i originally heard, but ive been a guest for a long time now.
8. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan?
I know form experience on my other account, that being in a clan and seeing my own drops pop up makes me more likely to be excited for the drops and the game. Which in turn makes me more communicative in the clan!
9. How do you intend to contribute to our clan?
I will do whatever i can to help by learning the clan level ups, and bossing and giving my decade of experience in runescape to the new players who try to hop on.
10. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
Yes i have!
03-Apr-2023 22:28:39