Iron Family application for returning members:
1. What are your previous names (if any)?
I decided to start a HCIM.
2. How long have you been guesting? (Please keep in mind that if you were only kicked once it's 5 days required, if 2x or more or if you left it is 14 days of guesting)
Around 1-2 weeks I think, over 5 days tho.
3. Did you leave or were you kicked? Please explain why (e.g busy RL, wanted to try a new clan etc.)
I was kciked due to inactivity, I stopped playing on my main ironman.
4. How long has it been since you were in the clan?
Honestly don't really remmeber, maybe a year or two.
5. What are your total & combat levels?
2772 total lvl, and 141 cb.
6. Which time zone do you currently live in?
GMT +1
7. What do you hope to achieve from joining our clan? And how do you expect to contribute to our Iron Family? It's suggested to particularly emphasize what we as a community can gain from having you back in the clan.
Well what i hope to achieve is a return to the loving community of which I was once a member. I feel the game is an overall better experience with others to enjoy it with. I especially enjoy how active the clan chat is.
I was a member for 4-5 years before my inactivity, and during that time I participated in a variety of content such as raids, bossing, skill bossing, token/ed3 farming, reaper help etc.
8. Have you read our rules & requirements, and do you understand that we expect all our members to respect each other and to contribute positively to the clan?
Yes, I've re-read them incase there was anything new.
29-Dec-2023 12:42:42