Combat level: 110
PKing experience: Have done alot of Legacy Pking, and recently starting to PK (last few weeks) with EoC and having a lot of fun!
Reason for wanting to join us: After a good fun FC, where there's not many left, which will PK and do Warbands successfully.
TeamSpeak 3 is mandatory for wave, are you willing to use it? Yes, have a mic and not a squeaker.
How long have you been around warbands for and what fcs have you been a
part of? I've been doing warbands for about 3-4 weeks now, and no previous FC's because I've only recently got into Warbands full time.
Who referred you to SAPK? No-one, I was doing a warband and ran into the clan.
Which combat style do you wish to use for the trial (1.4)? Meele
Have you understood 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5? Yes, I have.
Your own comments (optional): I know I am a bit of a lower level, but can PvP well and will be able to clear the lower level white dots that some max players wont be able to.
13-Feb-2016 22:24:51