PKing experience: I am not a great pker at all but have some experience from wbs and w2 pking.
Reason for wanting to join us: I am part of Judgment wbs but as we have disbanded as a wbs fc I was looking for an fc that is active in all hours.
TeamSpeak 3 is mandatory for wave, are you willing to use it? Yes, although my mic is not good so i tink i am only listening.
How long have you been around warbands for and what fcs have you been a
part of? I used to run wbg fc pre legacy, joined divine resilience for divine bands fc for a while, I have ran with rangers pk for a while but have asked them to remove my add last time I too a break from rs.
Who referred you to SAPK? Nobody in particular. I was simply having a chill time at r*v caves talking to follo follo and then was asking how active sapk was as I want a wave on my timezones as well.
Which combat style do you wish to use for the trial (1.4)? range or mage
Have you understood 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5? Yes
Your own comments (optional): I am in East asian timezone so I dont know if that will be a very active pking wave. in general i don't really need loot since I have maxed my account, but it would be nice to have some pking where i can risk ports gear in multi and have a high survival chance by having many ppl on my team. small team/ solo pking had limits especially when I am not a great pker.