^ What braze said and I'd like to add a bit to that
Howdy Icy Comatose,
As a new Applicant you will be receiving the title of "Member". You will have a one stripe ranking. After you have been a member for awhile (no specified time) and we have had a chance to evaluate your performance and helpfulness to the group, you may be given a new position (see page 1). To be considered, please follow some of the guidelines listed below:
- Help bump the thread at 60 minute intervals, if asked or you see there is no one currently bumping it.
- Be polite, respectful and helpful in chat at all times.
- Attend events, participate at the citadel, and help with clan activities.
- If you have an idea for an event, please enlist the help of a guide or above (star rank in chat) as they are the only ones able to host events.
If you would like to see our scheduled events or would like to discuss event related items, check out our events thread.
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Scion Of Fire and Brimstone
- Founder and Owner of
Random Thoughts