Previous Names: Snig660
Total Level: 2,676/2738
KC in Vorago/Durzag/Yakamaru/RoTS/Araxxi: 1 Vorago, 6 Durzag, 1 Yaka, 11 RoTs, 85 Araxxi
Do you know anyone in the clan (if so who): I don't recognize anyone.
Are you willing to cap (not mandatory): To be honest, now that I'm maxed I wouldn't have much motivation to cap, although if it came down to it I would be willing to help out when needed.
Can you use TeamSpeak (not mandatory): I have access to both Teamspeak and Discord.
Do you meet the gear/ability/skill requirements: I meet all requirements.
Previous clans and why you left: Dark Perception and Not So Lonely, I left them both because at the end of the day I didn't find what I was looking for in the clan. I'm trying to find a group that I can PvM with.
What are your favorite bosses: Beastmaster Durzag, Araxxi, Nex, and GWD 1/2
What are your favorite roles at any bosses: DPS is the only role I know as of right now.
05-Jun-2016 09:12:27