RSN: Rexologist
Timezone: est
Previous Clan: none
Reason for leaving: n/a
How did you find out about us: searching for a ironman clan
Why do you want to join the Ironics: I would love to join a friendly and open ironman community
What are your favourite things to do on RS: Slay/boss
What are your current goals on RS: maxing a ironman
Elder Yew
RSN: Rexologist
Timezone: est
Previous Clan: none
Reason for leaving: n/a
How did you find out about us: searching for a ironman clan
Why do you want to join the Ironics: I would love to join a friendly and open ironman community
What are your favourite things to do on RS: Slay/boss
What are your current goals on RS: maxing a ironman
Hey rex ill pm you ingame to setup a meeting for a invite, see you soon