- What PvM Experience do you have ?
- I have about 350 rax kc, 8 rago kc, over 200 kk and nex kc, and a lot of lower level boss kills like gwd2. 5.3k boss kills total.
- Do you meet all of our entry requirements ?
- I don't have any of the dominion tower requirements, but otherwise yes.
- Why are you interested in joining us ?
- A friend of mine joined this clan and speaks highly of it. I want to get better at team bosses, specifically rago and raids as my kc is low in both of those and I believe that Rago PvM is a great place to go about doing that. I consider myself to be a quick learner and I love learning new roles at bosses.
- List any previous clans & why you left them ?
- Apocalypse Slayers, I left because it's very clique oriented and I never really got into the clique i guess. It is also very difficult to get into teams for raids, which I'd like to start doing more regularly.
- What is your favorite boss ?
-Araxxor is my favorite boss, but I like nex a lot as well as im getting into soloing it.
01-Aug-2016 22:06:27